

Grief + Gratitude Journal (printable)

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Processing grief

It’s never easy. 

But what’s important is that we process it.

After years of debilitating panic attacks and anxiety, I realized I had yet to deal with all of the loss I experienced in my life. 

Emotions are stored in the body

When we don’t process those emotions, they can manifest within us as anxiety, anger, fear, panic attacks, inflammation, and more. 

I created a Grief and Gratitude Journal to help you process grief and take time to cherish memorable moments about your loved ones. 

We always think we will remember things forever, that we won’t forget the little details about our loved one. 

But the body deals with loss in strange ways, sometimes wiping out even the best of memories completely.

How to use the journal

That’s why this journal is such a great tool, for helping to honor your loved one, while also helping you process your emotions.   

Use this 50 page printable Grief and Gratitude Journal through the grief process while creating a personal gratitude practice at the beginning of each day.

We all grief uniquely, these journal pages are not numbered so that they may be printed again and again, adding pages, moments, and memories as needed.

This journal was especially created for the daughters that I work with to help them through the loss of their mother, but is applicable for any kind of loss. 

Print the Grief and Gratitude Journal>>

Printable Journal for Grief and Gratiude“ data-pin-media=

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